708 research outputs found

    Making the observational parsimonious richness a working mass proxy

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    Richness, i.e., the number of bright cluster galaxies, is known to correlate with the cluster mass, however, to exploit it as mass proxy we need a way to estimate the aperture in which galaxies should be counted that minimizes the scatter between mass and richness. In this work, using a sample of 39 clusters with accurate caustic masses at 0.1<z<0.22, we first show that the scatter between mass and richness derived from survey data is negligibly small, as small as best mass proxies. The scatter turns out to be smaller than in some previous works and has a 90% upper limit of 0.05 dex in mass. The current sample, adjoining 76 additional clusters analyzed in previous works, establishes an almost scatterless, minimally evolving (if at all), mass-richness scaling in the redshift range 0.03<z<0.55. We then exploit this negligible scatter to derive the reference aperture to be used to compute richness and to predict the mass of cluster samples. These predicted masses have a total 0.16 dex scatter with caustic mass, about half of which is not intrinsic to the proxy, but related to the noisiness of the caustic masses used for test proxy performances. These results make richness-based masses of best quality and available for large samples at a low observational cost.Comment: A&A, in pres

    A low-scatter survey-based mass proxy for clusters of galaxies

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    Estimates of cosmological parameters using galaxy clusters have the scatter in the observable at a given mass as a fundamental parameter. This work computes the amplitude of the scatter for a newly introduced mass proxy, the product of the cluster total luminosity times the mass-to-light ratio, usually referred as stellar mass. The analysis of 12 galaxy clusters with excellent total masses shows a tight correlation between the stellar mass, or stellar fraction, and total mass within r500 with negligible intrinsic scatter: the 90% upper limit is 0.06 dex, the posterior mean is 0.027 dex. This scatter is similar to the one of best-determined mass proxies, such as Yx, i.e. the product of X-ray temperature and gas mass. The size of the cluster sample used to determine the intrinsic scatter is small, as in previous works proposing low-scatter proxies because very accurate masses are needed to infer very small values of intrinsic scatter. Three-quarters of the studied clusters have lgM <~14 Msol, which is advantageous from a cosmological perspective because these clusters are far more abundant than more massive clusters. At the difference of other mass proxies such as Yx, stellar mass can be determined with survey data up to at least z=0.9 using upcoming optical near-infrared surveys, such as DES and Euclid, or even with currently available surveys, covering however smaller solid angles. On the other end, the uncertainty about the predicted mass of a single cluster is large, 0.21 to 0.32 dex, depending on cluster richness. This is largely because the proxy itself has ~0.10 dex errors for clusters of lgM<~ 14 Msol mass.Comment: A&A in pres

    Relative distribution of dark matter and stellar mass in three massive galaxy clusters

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    This work observationally addresses the relative distribution of total and optically luminous matter in galaxy clusters by computing the radial profile of the stellar-to-total mass ratio. We adopt state-of-the-art accurate lensing masses free from assumptions about the mass radial profile and we use extremely deep multicolor wide--field optical images to distinguish star formation from stellar mass, to properly calculate the mass in galaxies of low mass, those outside the red sequence, and to allow a contribution from galaxies of low mass that is clustercentric dependent. We pay special attention to issues and contributions that are usually underrated, yet are major sources of uncertainty, and we present an approach that allows us to account for all of them. Here we present the results for three very massive clusters at z∼0.45z\sim0.45, MACSJ1206.2-0847, MACSJ0329.6-0211, and RXJ1347.5-1145. We find that stellar mass and total matter are closely distributed on scales from about 150 kpc to 2.5 Mpc: the stellar-to-total mass ratio is radially constant. We find that the characteristic mass stays constant across clustercentric radii and clusters, but that the less-massive end of the galaxy mass function is dependent on the environment.Comment: A&A, in pres
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